Take vs. Get

Take vs. Get

Many English language students have a hard time understanding when to use certain verbs. The two verbs that a lot of students get confused with are: take and get. Check out this list of when to use take and when to use get to beat the confusion! 

When to use GET: 

1.    To receive something from another person or group. 

The most common way that we use get is to indicate the action of receiving something from another person or group of people. 

For example: I get a gift from my friends for my birthday. / They got a bad grade on their group project because they forgot to turn it in. 

2.    To buy something or pick up something from somewhere. 

We also will use get when we are going to buy something or pick something up from a place. 

For example: I need to get a dress for my friend’s party. / I am getting my dry cleaning from the new dry cleaners down the street. 

3.    Before the adjective to indicate a change. 

We will sometimes use the word get before an adjective to demonstrate that a change is starting to occur. We use this version of “get," in the same way we would use the word, “become.” 

For example: He was getting angry after hearing his boss correct him during the meeting. / It gets dark when the sun goes down. 

4.    To say that you understand something or someone. 

The last way that is a common way to use, “get,” is to say that you comprehend or grasp a concept or what someone is saying. 

For example: I don’t think I get what he wanted us to do today. / The teacher explained how to add the numbers, but the students didn’t get it. 

When to use TAKE: 

1.    To grab something from a place or person

This is one of the most basic ways to use this verb. We can use take to mean that we are using our hands to grab something from another person’s hands or from a different location. 

For example: She takes her mom’s hand so she can cross the street. / They took that computer mouse to use. 

2.    To steal 

Unlike the first way to use take, this way is when something is grabbing something without permission. 

We will also use the word take in replacement for the word, “steal.” 

For example: The thief took their tv and their stereo. / She knows someone is taking her pencils, she just doesn't know who. 

3.    To choose or select 

We will also use take instead of saying: choose or select. 

For example: I’ll take the older student and she will take the younger one. / She will take a salad and I will take spaghetti and meatballs. 

4.    To ride a form of transportation 

We will use this verb also to indicate that we are going to use a form of transportation to travel to a different location. 

For example: I took a train and a bus. / They will take an airplane to get here. 

5.    To change the location of something 

Another way that we can use the word get is as another word for carry or when we are moving or showing someone the way. 

For example: She needs to take her sister to the airport. / They will take their new pencils to school. 

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Tagged: ESL School in Los Angeles, ESL School in LA

Published on January 27, 2023

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